When is the best time to stretch?

Nov 10th, 2014

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Category: Fitness

When is the best time to stretch?

One common question I’m asked when is the best time to stretch?

To clear any confusion up here let’s look at some research.

The American College of Sports Medicine recommends stretching each of the major muscle groups at least twice a week for 60 seconds per exercise.

‘Stretching’ up until 10 years ago was popular before and after exercise. In fact the ‘warm-up’ and ‘stretching’ before exercise went hand in hand.

Sports Scientists have since distinguished between ‘dynamic’ and ‘static’ stretching.

A dynamic stretch moves a muscle group fluidly through an entire range of motion whereas stretching a muscle to the full extent of its ability and holding it for 15 to 30 seconds is what’s called a static stretch.

Evidence has shown that dynamic stretching prior to a workout enhances performance well beyond static stretching.

In fact studies have found that static stretching before running especially, has been found to reduce running economy and performance.

In other words, stick to a dynamic warm-up before, focusing on exercises that mimic the activity you’ll be performing.

These include exercises like leg swings side-to-side and front-to-back, heel flicks, high knees, side skips, arm rotations, hip rotations and the following;


Proceeding the activity, focus on static stretching for muscle groups which are tight and have been worked holding each stretch for 15-30 seconds.

6 static stretches

Of course stretching in a static nature is recommended without activity when incorporated into yoga sequences.

You’ll find that yoga stretches once a week will not only aid in recovery but also release stress, lengthen muscles, realign posture and allow you to move more efficiently in your day-to-day life.

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