Now don’t think I’ve gone nuts…

Oct 27th, 2014

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Category: Lifestyle

Now don’t think I’ve gone nuts…

…but take a look at these morning affirmations.

8 morning affirmations

There’s a great deal to be said for positive thinking whether that be at work, socially, home or indeed sport and exercise and that is exactly where you can hone the skill of positivity.

Setting your sights on an exercise goal is the best way of channeling your mind and body, forgetting any negative thoughts associated with life, motivating and inspiring to achieve great things.

Take a marathon. I’ve been lucky enough to complete four and I can honestly say they have made me a stronger, more positive person.

I know first hand that some CEO’s when hiring employees, put candidates who’ve completed marathons or other endurance events, at the top of the list.

Why? Because it takes mental strength, positive thinking and self discipline, not mentioning the physical attributes to complete the challenge.

What I’m pointing at here is set yourself exercise goals for the year, no matter what they are.

Start with two goals; one in Summer and one in Winter;

Strive for those goals, plan your training and not only will you receive a great sense of achievement on completion, it will give you the ‘can do’ positive attitude that flows into every area of your life.

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